BTC$67 992.56


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SafeMoon (SAFEMOON) Price, Market Cap and Information

SafeMoon (SAFEMOON) Buy SafeMoon Now
SafeMoon (SAFEMOON) SafeMoon Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token. According to the SafeMoon website, SafeMoon has three functions that take place during each trade...
Current price $0.000099
Change 24h 30.94%
Change 7d 47.46%
Market Cap $0
Available supply 0 SAFEMOON
Volume 24h $15 911
Updated Sunday, June 16, 2024 3:00:07PM UTC
Nature Coin
Mineable No
WWW Website

SafeMoon price change 24 hours

SafeMoon Short Term Forecast

After Price Change
1 day $0.000197 98.99%

SafeMoon Price Predictions

SafeMoon General Information

General SAFEMOON facts, technical details and SafeMoon Cryptocurrency information

SafeMoon Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token. According to the SafeMoon website, SafeMoon has three functions that take place during each trade: Reflection, LP Acquisition and Burn. SafeMoon protocol is a combination of RFI tokenomics and an auto-liquidity generating protocol. According to an article, SafeMoon plans to develop a non-fungible token (NFT) exchange, as well as charity projects and crypto educational apps. SafeMoon launched on Mar. 8, 2021.

What Makes SafeMoon Unique?

The SafeMoon white paper notes that a big problem in the emerging DeFi industry is the existence of high APY LP-farms that don't have easy access for newcomers to the space. With SafeMoon, they aim to use the idea of static rewards (making the reward conditional upon the volume of the token being traded) in order to remove any pressure on the token that could occur when tokens are sold. As well, the white paper notes that their “reflect mechanism“ adds incentive for SafeMoon holders to keep their tokens for longer, or HODL. SafeMoon's Automatic LP also adds stability to the protocol by providing a price floor/cushion for token holders. SafeMoon's manual burn strategy also helps SafeMoon token holders in the long term, according to their white paper.

How Many SafeMoon (SAFEMOON) Coins Are There in Circulation?

The SafeMoon white paper describes the following: a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000, with 223,000,000,000,000 burned dev tokens and a fair launch supply of 777,000,000,000,000. The SafeMoon protocol, according to the white paper, works in the following way: in each trade, the transaction is taxed with a fee of 10%, which is cut in half. While 5% of the fee is redistributed to all of the token holders at the time, the other 5% is then split in half again, with 50% sold by the contract into BNB, and the remaining 50% automatically paired with the aforementioned BNB and added to PancakeSwap as a liquidity pair.

How Is the SafeMoon Network Secured?

The SafeMoon white paper has the following plan for the safety of its protocol: the developer burned all tokens in the Dev Wallet before launch, there was a fair launch on DxSale, the LP is locked on DxLocker for four year, and an LP is generated with every trade and locked on PancakeSwap.

SafeMoon Historical Data – 10 days

Date Open, $ Min, $ Max, $ Market cap, $
May 15 0.000262 0.000100 0.000097 0
May 16 0.000137 0.000102 0.000100 0
May 17 0.000095 0.000111 0.000095 0
May 18 0.000189 0.000157 0.000191 0
May 19 0.000168 0.000140 0.000168 0
May 21 0.000143 0.000142 0.000150 0
May 26 0.000121 0.000109 0.000123 0
May 27 0.000110 0.000110 0.000119 0
Jun 15 0.000104 0.000104 0.000105 0
Jun 16 0.000103 0.000101 0.000099 0


SAFEMOON to USD price chart – 7 days
SAFEMOON to USD price chart – 30 days
SAFEMOON to USD price chart – 60 days
SAFEMOON to USD price chart – 6 months

* Crypto Rating accepts no liability for any errors in the SafeMoon information, SAFEMOON Prices and SAFEMOON's Market Cap. For the most up-to-date prices please visit the SafeMoon's official website.

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